Hexarthra mira Hudson, 1871
Hexarthra mira, optical lateral transect of swimming specimen with amictic egg. (4)
Hexarthra mira, lateral view of specimen from (2) showing the unpaired ventral appendage. vab: abductor muscle of the ventral appendage; vad: adductor muscle of the ventral appendage.(2)
Hexarthra mira, optical lateral transect; focal plane on the dorsal antenna (dA); one of two eyespots with lens and chin (Ch)/ lower lip. (dTr: dorsal part of the trochus; RM: retractor muscle; vTr. ventral part of the trochus.
Hexarthra mira, dorsoventral view, focal plane on the caudal appendages (arrowheads) (1)
Hexarthra mira, is one of the few genera with motile cilia at the posterior part here at the caudal appendages (arrows). Another genus with cilia at the posterior part is Testudinella with motile cilia at the foot(4)
Hexarthra mira, frontal view on the corona of a swimming specimen showing the metachronal movement of the trochal cilia which is counter-clockwise. Also in focus is the buccal field (arrowheads) and the cilia of the "chin" (i.e. the lower lip/ cingulum (arrow)) Still image of a YT-video that shows the metachronal movement of the trochal cilia.(4)

Hexarthra mira, lateral view of the same specimen. The metachronal movement of the trochal cilia is counter-clockwise in frontal view (cyan arrow). Also the cilia of the "chin" show a metachronal movement, but this is clockwise (orange arrow) in frontal view. Also the direction of the effective stroke of the cilia is different: the effective stroke of the trochal cilia is oriented backwards, whereas the effective stroke of the cilia of the chin is to the front. So both groups of cilia have in common that their movements are dexioplectic.(4)

Hexarthra mira, frontal view on the corona of a swimming specimen; optical transect, focal plane on the dorsal antenna (dA), the two red eyespots and the mouth (asterisk). The arrwoheads mark (part of the trochus; the arrows mark the cilia of the circumapical band and the cingulum. loL: lower lip. (4)
Hexarthra mira, crop of the first image. vab: abductor muscle of the ventral appendage; vad: adductor muscle of the ventral appendage. (2)
Hexarthra mira, ventral appendage in dorsoventral view. vab: abductor muscle of the ventral appendage; vad: adductor muscle of the ventral appendage. (3)
Hexarthra mira, in contrast to the unpaired ventral appendage the paired lateral apendages have only a single abductor muscle.(3)
Hexarthra mira, malleoramate trophi (3)
Hexarthra mira, another specimen with amictic egg. Visible are the two eyespots of the offspring. (7)
Hexarthra mira, another specimen from (2) with resting egg. (2)
Hexarthra mira, resting egg with sculptured shell. (2)
Location (4): Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, pond in front of NC/NB
Habitat (4): plankton/ periphyton
Date: 14.10.2023 (4)
Location (2;3): Haselbecke, Felderbachtal, Hattingen, NRW, Germany, pond
Habitat (2;3): plankton
Date: 20.09.2014 (2); 17.06.2017 (3)
Location (7): Heilenbecker Talsperre, EN-Kreisl, NRW, Germany
Habitat (7): plankton
Date : 11.06.2011 (7)
Location (1): Grünes Klassenzimmer, Gevelsberg, EN-Kreis, NRW, Germany, pond
Habitat (1): plankton
Date: 21.06.2006 (1)
freshwater life
marine life